today show

At Manual Arts High School in Los Angeles, the options for healthy food nearby are limited. To combat this, teacher Bari Applebaum and her students formed a club to plant an edible garden at the school.


In partnership with the American Heart Association and Caulipower, we giveaway 50,000 pounds of produce to families in South LA weekly.


Spanish coverage of our food giveaway in partnership with the American Heart Association and LAFC.


One Manual Arts High School teacher is helping feed her students by teaching them how to plant vegetable seeds and trees. It's part of a project to grow sustainable public gardens in places known as "food deserts," where it's hard for families to afford fresh food.


Creating awareness, building infrastructure, and teaching behavioral change to bring clean water to students at Manual Arts High School.


Bari Applebaum is a teacher at Manual Arts High School in Los Angeles, CA. Read below to learn more about how she is empowering her students to change their community through access to healthy food.


Chicas Verdes cultivates environmental stewards and self-advocates with the skills to make lasting changes. To ground students in this work, students learn to do a root cause analysis of their daily experiences considering historical, social, and environmental contexts to make sense of their world. Students internalize these analyses through discussions about how their personal experiences are manifestations of their collective history.